Friday, May 28, 2010

Grossest Thing I've Ever Done

Oh my gracious, I love my Auntie, but sometimes I fear she despises me. For example, today she made me roast a chicken, but that wasn't the bad part, the bad part was she made me gut it. Yeah, you know, take out the neck, the heart, kidneys and all. Grossest thing I've ever done in my life. But, I guess it was an experience if nothing else. God's preparing me, thats for sure. Hopefully, I can figure out how to show some pictures of her "cruel and unusual punishment" for whatever it is I did wrong. But I survived, and I know she did it because she loves me and wants me to be able to feed my future husband, whoever that may be, a decent meal every day... Honey, can't we just get a cook instead?

Thanks for the support,
Miss Mae

Just a Random Tidbit.

You know that saying, "April showers brings May flowers"? It has proven to me to be a flat out lie. Either you live in the desert, where it never showers in April, or, you're like me and live somewhere where it rains constantly. Where people got the impression that it is sunny in May because it was pouring in April is beyond me. But enough about the weather. As you know, I've been searching for a job until I am due to leave the country to Mexico for the mission. I have been searching for months with no avail. I was constantly checking applications and talking to managers and owners. Did I get a phone call? No, I did not. Then I went to my dear Auntie's house to help her and spend time with her and my sweet Uncle, and guess what. BAM! I was getting phone calls for interviews like, everyday. Of course, I am not home to receive these calls, and my "parental units" (parents) both work, so they do not answer my phone, obviously. So it's not until days later that I even receive the message that someone has called me. Let's see what God has for me when I get home, shall we?

Thanks for checking in!
Miss Mae

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How Rude of Me!

Please forgive my rudeness all, I realized I have written my heart out to you and you know nothing of me. As you know, My name is Miss Mae. Obviously it is not my real name, but fake names are always funner, don't you think? I was home schooled all through high school and am probably smarter because of it. You see, I am a very social person, and will do nearly anything to make my friends laugh. Including disregarding my homework :/. Anyways, I am blessed with a grand total of six brothers and loving parents. My oldest brother, Squid, is in the Navy and apparently loves it because I rarely hear from him. Then, Allstar, lives wherever he decides to park his head. He's a dork, but everybody loves him- yes, even me. Hahaha. Next is the All American Boyscout of America- He really is just that. He would live in the forest if he was allowed. He is 12 and we tend to butt heads a lot because he is taller than me, therefore believes he has authority over me, unfortunately for him, he is learning otherwise. Then is Mr. Studly.He is 10 and incredible at sports. All of them, Really, if you were to give him a ball and tell him "Go get 'em, Tiger," he would simply dominate the entire game! And last but not least are my twinsie brothers. They are more opposite than fire and ice though. They like to do just about anything to push my buttons when I am left in charge, but never fail to apologize right as my mom pulls up the driveway. Nevertheless, I love them too. Well, I guess thats a brief summary of my family. Thanks for reading my rambles. :]

Until we meet again,
Miss Mae

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Here Goes Everything

Hello free world, As you know, I am Miss Mae. I have started a blog by request of my dear Auntie. I don't see her much so she requested I start a blog or something because apparently, Facebook or MySpace isn't cutting it. ;] So here goes everything- That is, everything that can be said about me. :]

I have reached the end of my high school life as I know it, and as I am quite oftenly told, "The beginning of the rest of my life..." How cliche', I know. But in the weirdest way it is really true. I'm going to be starting a new chapter in my life beginning in Carmen Serdan, Mexico where I'll be working at a mission for.. well.. I don't actually know how long anymore, but I know God will lead the way (mostly because I'll get lost if I lead). After that, I really really would love to be in some form of college, I had been thinking community college to start with an A.A. (commonly known as an Associates' Degree) and major in English or creative writing. You see, I have always loved to write, and English and grammar just comes naturally to me, so I thought to myself, "Self, You're a good writer, you love English and children, why not become a teacher?" Easy enough, right? no. It's wrong. It's wrong because it's not my passion to teach, it's my passion to write. I love to write anything, articles, papers, stories, poetry, plays- whatever. And I love acting and singing, they both come to an extremely close 2nd. So obviously, I now know what I need to do: Preforming Arts! They can help mold my gifts into something extraordinary, something more than school essays, or doodles in a journal. But only God really knows what will happen, and all I really can do is pray and go along for the ride! :]
Until next time,
Miss Mae