My most inspiring friend, Sweetest Italian Girl I Know never ceases to amaze me. She would give you the shirt off her back if she needed to. You're probably wondering "Miss Mae, why are you telling me this when I don't even know this Sweet Italian Girl?" Well, let me tell you a brief history about SIGIK. ( I hope you caught on to the acronym)
SIGIK is the youngest of her family, a huge Italian family. and recently her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She just started her chemo treatment and has started losing her hair. She decided to go ahead and shave all her hair off and wear adorable head scarves and hats. SIGIK, being the ever-so-sensitive sweet 17 year old that she is, shaved hers too. I love my mother dearly, really I do, I'd die for her, but I just don't know if I'd shave my head for her. My sweet friend however, did it without hesitation. It was even her idea, and I am so proud to count her as one of my best friends. We need more people like her in this selfish world we live in. She really shows me what selflessness truly is, and I am SO thankful for a friend like her. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. :]
Miss Mae
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